How do I apply?

Message us on **discord at the Grants channel** The application will only be shared with the Grants lead and members of the committee. The Lead will contact you directly if the application is successfully considered for a Grant.

How will I be compensated?

The Lead will work with you to establish possible milestones that could help split up the compensation so as to allow payment whenever a milestone is hit.

If no milestones can be determined, the Grant will be paid a portion upfront to cover costs and the remaining total once the grant is successfully completed. All payments will be made in a combination of POL Tokens & Stablecoins.

What type of project will qualify for a Grant?

Anything that will have a positive impact on the Polysynth product and/or community! We are hoping to fund a wide range of grants from external trading tools to governance dashboards and newsletters.

Grants can be simple projects, such as Translating documentation, or more elaborate and longer term projects, such as Third Party Integrations. The funding amount will vary to reflect the complexity.